Test, ARC, and Beta Reads

Need verified reviews on release day? Need an unbiased opinion of your story? Allow me to ARC or Beta read  your manuscript for you. Are you a publisher with numerous submissions and require support to wade through submitted manuscripts? Allow me to be your test reader. 

TEST/BETA Read – $25 for up to 30,000 words and an additional $10 per 15,000 words.

As a test or BETA reader, I will provide details and honest feedback on your characters, development of your plot, setting, general appeal to readers, or any other specific areas that you wish. In-line comments are provided for files received as a Word or Google document or PDF File. You will receive your file back with my comments, including praise and suggestion sections. Notes on minor spelling and grammatical errors that are caught will be included.

ARC Read – $25 for up to 70,000 words

For ARC reads, I will read your upcoming release prior to your release date. Any last minute corrections (grammatical) will be shared with the author. A verified review will be posted within 48 hours of the book’s release date on Amazon and other relevant platforms such as Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Bookbub, Google Books, and Goodreads.