Back Covers & Spines

Back cover & spine prices start at $15. Turnaround time is 1-2 business days.  Please provide the following when requesting a back cover & spine:

  • Binding Type (hardback or paperback)
  • Interior Type (black & white or color)
  • Paper Type (white or cream)
  • Interior Trim Size (standard is 5×8 – 6×9)
  • Page Count
  • PNG or JPG of front cover
  • Additional elements to add to back cover (author logo, author picture, etc.)
  • Synopsis
  • Any fonts you would like used
  • Specific design style (if you have something in mind)

Below are samples of back& spine covers I’ve worked on. If you have not read these ladies, please check them out. Click the images to purchase or read free on Kindle Unlimited. 

Loving Simone Cover-Back-Spine